If you thought “boogie” was just a dance move, think again. In the world of skydiving, “boogie” is actually a better way to say “party.” In this blog post, Skydive The Gulf will explain the history of boogies, what types of people attend them, and give you information about our own upcoming boogie — the 1st Annual First Responder Boogie at Skydive The Gulf in Alabama.
History of Skydiving Boogies
When skydiving was originated, it was really a just a war-time effort of airborne soldiers in World War II. Soldiers would jump from military aircrafts on a static line which involves different mechanics than today’s civilian skydiving jumps. At this point, the culture of skydiving was synonymous with the military.
After the war and until the 1960s, skydiving was still largely populated by veterans and military members. With the rise of civilian skydiving and technological advancements in the late 20th century, however, skydiving began to form a culture of its own. Skydiving boogies became the way to gather skydivers from all over the world for fun instead of competition.
Who attends skydiving boogies?
Boogies are usually attended by expert skydivers from around the world who want to try new formations, canopy demos, and even new skydiving styles. While anyone can technically join the festivities, think of a traditional boogie as an event where a group of passionate, adrenaline-fueled people get together and show off their skills. They can be intense for everyone, especially people newer to skydiving.
You can access lists of boogies happening all around the world. Some have been occurring for decades and others are just getting started, but you can assume that any boogie will bring together a group of awesome skydivers at drop zones around the world.
1st Annual First Responder Boogie
Skydive The Gulf wanted to throw a boogie of our own, but with a different audience in mind. On June 2, we will be holding the 1st Annual First Responder Boogie for any local Alabama first responders and their families. The event will give attendees a chance to win raffles, eat free barbeque, and, of course, to skydive Alabama with friends, family, and fellow first responders.
For this boogie, Skydive The Gulf is offering extremely discounted tandem skydiving prices for event participants — the more people who sign up, the more discounted the skydive price will be! Skydiving Alabama and seeing the miraculous views of the Gulf coastline is amazing enough; now imagine doing this with your troop, brigade, or unit.
The event will also include awards such as the Best Free-Fall Faces Award, Most Nervous Award, and Bravest Department Award for the group with the most participation. Get the whole gang together and come out to Skydive The Gulf. Trust us, seeing the look on your boss’s face as they jump from 10,500 feet will be worth it.
You can register online for Skydive The Gulf’s 1st Annual First Responder Boogie, and remember that family members are welcome at this special event.